The Director’s Cut was born from a passion for film and photography; by brothers Amit J and Kamal J. With over ten years of experience, they now employ a modern and effective approach for each production. Training members of their team to be as creative and structured is at the core of their philosophy. Ensuring an excellent work ethic and the best possible capture, in order to deliver The Director’s Cut.

Justin C – Logistics Manager
In recognising the amount of planning and coordinating required prior to each event, Justin our in-house Logistics Manager is there to make sure couples are at ease on their special day. Working closely with clients prior to their event and the capture team on the day, each production is strategically structured from angle arrangements, directing guests through to discrete team positioning.

Ivan M – Chief Editor
Our specialist chief editor Ivan oversees the editing suite and ensures The Directors Cut films are edited to a high standard. Ensuring The Director’s Cut style is communicated across the board and the team works creatively with image layers, story, music and pacing. His expertise in the field and experience with Asian Weddings help deliver the best edit for final review. All final reviews are carried out with The Directors.

Natasha J – Creative Director
Our photographers are highly trained to capture stunning moments as consistently as possible. Our Creative Editor, Natasha, is highly experienced in post production software helps to add that extra creativity to produce compelling images to share with newlyweds. Proficient across the Adobe Suite, Natasha’s attention to detail post capture, adds her magic to achieve the best image possible.

Justin C – Logistics Manager
In recognising the amount of planning and coordinating required prior to each event, Justin our in-house Logistics Manager is there to make sure couples are at ease on their special day. Working closely with clients prior to their event and the capture team on the day, each production is strategically structured from angle arrangements, directing guests through to discrete team positioning.

Ivan M – Chief Editor
Our specialist chief editor Ivan oversees the editing suite and ensures The Directors Cut films are edited to a high standard. Ensuring The Director’s Cut style is communicated across the board and the team works creatively with image layers, story, music and pacing. His expertise in the field and experience with Asian Weddings help deliver the best edit for final review. All final reviews are carried out with The Directors.

Natasha J – Creative Director
Our photographers are highly trained to capture stunning moments as consistently as possible. Our Creative Editor, Natasha, is highly experienced in post production software helps to add that extra creativity to produce compelling images to share with newlyweds. Proficient across the Adobe Suite, Natasha’s attention to detail post capture, adds her magic to achieve the best image possible.